Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yet Even More...

11/22 - Jacob and the Awana Grand Prix car at church!
Second race day!!!
Matt throwing Juliana in the air at the pool party

Matt and a very happy Jacob and Juliana at the pool party.

Kevin and his not-so-graceful dive.
Jimmy's turn!

James' first jump!

Abby's first jump!
A very happy Abby after her first jump!
James jumping again
Ron "swimming" the waterwalk - ahh, good times :-)
Ahh, much better dive, Kevin!
Abby jumping again (I'm taking these for Karen who couldn't come due to sick kids) (and cuz I'm a proud auntie of course!)
Birthday boy, Austin, jumping to Kevin
Sweet Emma :-)
A very very hot Jenna!

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