Thursday, November 13, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Eight

Today I am especially excited to announce what I'm thankful for! I am thankful for milestones - such as Jenna cutting her first tooth today!!! HORRAY!!! :-D I've been checking her gums every day, figuring it's gotta pop through any day now, but little did I know that yesterday would FOR SURE be the last day that any of our kids would have a gummy smile ever again!!! (another last first)
She wasn't the most cooperative when I was trying to get a picture of it ;-) Her darn tongue kept getting in the by the time I finally got a picture, she wasn't the happiest baby in the world! Anywho, YAY!




The Williams Five said...

Good job, Jenna! Allison is in the process of cutting 2 more teeth on the top. It's been a sloooow process though.

The Finnestad Family said...

Yeah!!! I see teef :) I'm loving that first picture with her tongue out too. Super cute! Congratulations to all of you. That was your last first tooth!!!! I'm so glad you documented it so well. Big, exciting day!