Sunday, November 16, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Eleven

Well, I am exhausted, so very sore, stairs are my enemy today, and my house is a wreck. BUT I am soooo very thankful for Worship Service at church!!! It is SO revitalizing! I just soar when I'm enveloped in good strong true worship, when you can feel His presence, the music is loud and you can feel the beat, feel the words, feel the emotion and meaning behind what you're singing and proclaiming!!! We have a wonderful worship pastor at our church, great fellow worship leaders and band members, and this weekend in addition to all that we also got to have Mitch Bohanan lead worship with us from Texas. It was wonderful :-) It completely picked me up off my feet, made all my soreness and exhaustion go away, and I could just be in the moment. Now I'm back home, and I'm tired :-) BUT the songs will not leave my head ("Praises, to the God who saves us, through his blood he gave us life and now we come, Everyone!"). We introduced a couple new songs this morning, and also sang a couple of my favorites, so I was just on cloud nine!

We also got Jenna dedicated at church this morning, alongside my sister's newest addition, Baby Jonathan! We've had the privelege of having two sets of kids be dedicated together now (first was Jacob and Josiah) (sheesh, all these J names!). Jenna's life verse is:

Psalm 1:1-2 Lord, grant that Jenna would walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, but that her delight will be in the law of the Lord, and on his law she’ll meditate day and night.

That's our hope and prayer for Jenna, and all our children, that they'd be EXCITED to learn about God, and on a daily basis, that they'd drink it in every chance they get and it would just fill their hearts and minds! (a good hope and prayer for myself as well!)

Anywho, so that's my Thanksgiving today, I'm thankful for wonderful worship music, that God allows us and wants us to do so, and that we serve such an Awesome God that is truly worthy of those praises!!!

1 comment:

The Finnestad Family said...

I love this picture of Jenna so smiley as you read to her the life verse you chose. I'm so thankful we were able to do it together!