Wednesday, November 19, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Fourteen

The definite highlight of today was Jenna in the bath tub!!! Matt and the kids were at Awana, so it was pure undevoted time between Jenna and I, and oh my goodness was it ever cute! She can sit up just fine in the bath tub now, so she's completely free from anything getting in her way from having a good time. She'd smack her hands down against the water, and I'd excitedly respond "SPLISH SPLASH!!!" and she'd look up at me with the biggest smile and laugh and laugh!!! Again, and again, and again... It was by far the happiest I have EVER seen her!!! EVER! I wanted SO badly to go downstairs and grab my camera or camcorder to get it recorded in some way, but there's no way I could leave her in there of course. But that was a blessing as well because then I could just sit there and enjoy the time WITH her. (I sure wish I could have gotten it captured in some way though, SO CUTE!!!)
So that's what I'm most thankful for today, those precious moments that you hope to engrain in your mind and cherish for the rest of your life! Like fun in the tub :-)

On another note, Jacob's school pictures came today, and if I do say so myself, he is quite handsome! (wish he was smiling bigger, but that's OK!) The first thing he said when he pulled the picture packet out of his backpack was "I don't have any glasses on!" He is so proud to have his first "NO GLASSES" school picture!

1 comment:

The Williams Five said...

He does look handsome! Especially with no glasses. What a guy. I bet Jenna had a blast in the tub. I am still clinging to the sink and refuse to move Allison into the tub. That means she is growing up. Although I did switch out the infant carseat yesterday for the next size up. That was hard to do. I even turned her around (she will be one next week) and I really miss being able to glance in the mirror and see her. I think I need to get one of those small mirrors to attach to the rearview mirror.