Friday, November 21, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Sixteen

I am thankful for weekends! Even though this is going to be an extremely busy weekend, it's just nice knowing that I'll have Matt home for a majority of the weekend to help out with kids, to have an ADULT to talk to, and just in general, it's nice having him home. Lots of fun stuff happens on the weekends! This weekend we had Awana Grand Prix tonight, again Saturday morning, double-birthday pool party Saturday afternoon, church/nursery duty Sunday morning, Karen's baby shower directly afterwards, and I had to say no to two other party invites for this weekend as well (which is hard to do!). And then just in general, we have a lot of cleaning and prep in between for the baby shower :-) So yeah, although beit a non-stop weekend, I am so thankful for weekends! Breaks you out of the norm, gives you a chance to be with other people, build lots of that said...LET'S PARTY!!!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Love the picture. Was this before all the cleaning and laundry? Can't wait to see how much you accomplished!

The Finnestad Family said...

I love logging in everyday to find out what you're thankful for...and usually find myself saying "Amen, Sista!"

Looking forward to partying with you this weekend (several times) - YEAH!!