Tuesday, November 25, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Twenty

Today I am thankful for moms who understand! Today my face has looked like this A LOT - >:-[ I don't know what the deal is, but my kids have been in rare form today, just getting on each other WAY more than normal, whining like crazy, whacking each other with things, you know the drill. I had thought about cancelling a play date this morning but hoped that maybe the change of pace would be enough to make them FORGET to act like that. Yeah, not really! They were definitely overall better than before Melissa arrived with her two youngest boys, but still did their thang. Juliana wouldn't let Evan help her with something, so while pulling it away she knocked over my full glass of Diet Coke all over the carpet...nice. Jacob almost stepped on Baby Matthew's head on the couch. Jacob whacked Evan with his alligator rain boot! Juliana threw a remote at Jacob. Jacob hit Juliana with a car. Jacob and Juliana just kept ticking each other off, definitely on purpose, which in turn caused more whining, etc.
They are all in bed now...yes, I even put Jacob to bed! I told him that he has been acting FAR too unacceptably and off to bed he goes!!! (of course, followed by more whining)
Melissa was sweet as ever, just took it in stride, she of course knows about days like this (days...weeks...months...years!). As I know you all will understand as well :-) Still drives me nuts though! And I'm looking forward to when they start getting along again...soon, right?!? :o)
My more humorous way of viewing how today has gone...




Wagner's said...

I love the pictures! Hope they behave better tomorrow!

The Earnhardt Family said...

I'm so thankfull that you can find humor in it all. It sounds like you are the one who truely took it in stride!! Get them under control before tomorrow missy! My kids are never like that. HA HA HA!!