Monday, November 17, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Twelve

OK, so I have to admit, it's a bit tiring trying to stay up on this on a daily basis! But I am grateful because it's making me take into account the good things that happen each day. I have to make myself sit back and think of all the things that have happened over the course of the day, and then narrow it down to one thing! Sometimes I go outside just the one thing a bit, like today, but there's still normally one thing that stands above the rest.

I am extremely grateful for Teachers! Today was my Parent/Teacher Conference with Jacob's teacher, Mrs. Dean. She is so nice and sweet, and very patient with the kids. Yet at the same time she is firm with what she asks of the kids and follows through. I am VERY grateful for that! That's exactly the way we treat our kids, and it is very helpful when their outside "parents" treat them in the same manner, especially during these first years of development. The areas that he has challenges in are all speech related, and she has taken notice of that (which I'm very grateful for!) and is trying to assist him in that area, help him grow in the areas he needs most. He excels acedemically, we are VERY proud of him for that! But what we as parents were most looking forward to this year were the further growth in his speech and social skills, and that is definitely happening! THANKS TO HIS TEACHER! So, Mrs. Dean, thank you so very much for being such an amazing, patient, and nuturing teacher to our son, Jacob!

On another note, Jenna turned 7 months today :-) So as always, I took her monthly growth picture next to her monkey. YAY JENNA!!!

Jenna's 7-month growth picture next to her monkey

Jenna getting her giggle on!

My mom got this "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving" outfit for Jenna, so it seemed fitting to have her wear it for her monthly growth pictures! Thank you, Mom!
And on yet ANOTHER note, Matt, Jacob & Juliana have all been working on their Awana Grand Prix cars for the tournaments this Friday and Saturday. They have cut them down into the shapes they each wanted, sanded them, and yesterday they painted them. They will be putting images on them and then a clear coat. Getting closer!

Matt and Jacob spray painting Jacob's car.

From the other side.
. Juliana's turn, purple of course!
Time for Daddy to take over...
And last but CERTAINLY not least, I am just SUPER EXCITED to see even the smallest snowflake in the 10-Day Forecast! Yes, I know, it's far to warm of a temperature and it's mixed with rain, BUT it's still there! That means it's getting closer to that time of year, WAHOO!!! Bring it on! :-D

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