Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick Or Treat!!!

Who else is ready for Christmas?!?!? :-D When Spirit 105.3 was playing Christmas music yesterday, I was definitely wanting to tear down all our Halloween stuff and throw up our Christmas decorations! But OK, I guess I'll blog about Trick or Treating now...
The kids have been talking about when "Silly Uncle Ron" is going to come over in his costume, and as always, they stared :-) Jacob kept pointing out everything, "I like this...I like that...I like your stick..." And Juliana just kept staring. None of our kids got scared this year though, progress!

We trick or treated around the neighborhood, Jenna got to do two houses, and we walked her around with the other kids a little bit more until I headed back home to hand out candy and let her get out of her SUPER WARM costume.

Which leads me to my next point, what great weather we had!!! After it had been raining all day (waiting for the school bus was tons of fun earlier that day), and the forecast shows quite a bit of rain over the next 10 days, so we were pleasantly surprised to not deal with ANY rain that night! It wasn't even cold, how wonderful is that?!?
As always, it was quite entertaining walking through the streets with a GIANT KISS character. Tons of...shall I say "that generation" (aka: parents) shout across the streets "YOUR COSTUME ROCKS!" "THAT'S AWESOME!!!" and my favorite, "I have GOT to get a picture taken with you, my buddy is the biggest KISS fan, he's gonna love this!" (4 times...)

Their last trick or treating of the night, OUR HOUSE! They got a little more candy to put in their buckets, then straight to the floor to count their candy and pick out what to eat. I found it quite funny that AGAIN Juliana chose to first eat a red lollipop - SAME AS LAST YEAR!!!


They were a bit hyped up on candy, so they toned it down a bit by watching Beauty & The Beast while we visited with Ron's son & girlfriend. Then all the kids went down for bed and us adults hung out for a while and chit chatted...I love that... :-)
A Successful Halloween! Now on to Thanksgiving and Christmas, WAHOO!!!


The Finnestad Family said...

You ended up with such incredible pictures (and memories) of your big Trick or Treat night. I am loving the picture of Juliana staring at Ron. And how happy Jenna is in the picture with him, when you think she'd be scared out of her mind. What a great idea to get a picture of all the kids lined up with their buckets. I can't believe you even remember what Juliana's first candy was last year. Maybe YOU should have been wearing the Supergirl costume.

Wyllie Family Adventures said...

What a great night! I still just love Julianna's supergirl costume. It is perfect and different from the usual girl princess costumes. I was thinking of you yesterday when Spirit 105.3 was playing Christmas music :-). I had the music cranked up-- I love Christmas music. I am definitely starting to get into the spirit already.