Friday, November 7, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Two

I'm thankful for Lysol Wipes. Yes indeed, I'm very very thankful for Lysol Disinfectant Wipes... Whether it be for the apple juice that Juliana spilled during lunch, or for the endless spit-up that Jenna is constantly blessing our floor with, or the latest today: Juliana pooping in her underwear, taking them off in the bathroom so her..."droppings"...landed on the toilet mat, she then proceeded to close the bathroom door which of course smeared the "droppings" in a big long stripe along the toilet mat, bathroom floor and my favorite, the front/back/underneath of the bathroom door. Yes, I am indeed very thankful for Lysol Wipes.



The Finnestad Family said...

And I'm very thankful that you are getting more use out of those wipes today than I am...sounds like quite the job you've had today! I'm sure I just jinxed myself. Great.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Oh my! I am very thankful to be done with potty training!

The Williams Five said...

I am laughing with you right now! I have had similar incidents and I too was thankful for those lysol wipes!! I'm also thankful that I can get them in bulk at costco!! hee hee.