Saturday, November 22, 2008

22 Days Of Thanksgiving: Day Seventeen

I'm kinda in a daze right now...hmmm...let's see... I'd say that today I'm thankful that when you host shindigs at your house that it forces you to clean! Our house has taken quite the hit ever since Jenna was born, it's been hard to stay up on anything. But when you're planning to have a group of people over (especially a baby shower for your beloved sister whom you absolutely adore, so you clear most everything out of the bottom level of your house!), it prompts a deep clean that is so desparately needed! I am SO thankful to have a MUCH cleaner house today! So thank you, Karen, for having yet another baby!!! ;-D
On a completely different note, I have SO many pictures of various events lately that I need to go through and be forewarned...soon enough I will be posting a plethora of pix!!! :o)

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

You look good when you clean carpets! Even in the shadows!!