Friday, September 26, 2008

A Rough Patch

Jacob's eyes took a turn for the worse today. His eyes were looking worse, watering a lot, the color on the outer part of his left eye was turning more pink, and his left eye was only open about half as much as his right eye. I made him take a nap to rest his eyes, and when he woke up they looked awful. He watched a little TV, water was just running down his face, the outer part that had been pink turned into a more yellow/orange/pink color. He began saying that he was seeing blurry, got frantic and started crying. :-( We had him lay down and put a cold washcloth on his eyes for about 20 minutes while I called his eye doctor again. He was unhappy that the technician I spoke with earlier today didn't have me take Jacob in, and asked for her name... He has prescribed him new eye drops in addition to oral antibiotics. We're thrilled to now be attacking it from the outside AND inside. He's also having us bring Jacob in tomorrow so he can check him out (which we're very thankful for, as they're closed on the weekends). The pharmacist said that the new eye drops are a "big bullet", they attack all kinds of bacteria (which we have to give him every 2 hours while he's awake). And that the oral medicine is very powerful too. Great to hear! So we've started the new medicine and are awaiting his eye appointment tomorrow. More to come...

Jacob's eyes the day after surgery,
which was supposed to be the worst day.

Jacob's eyes today as I called the doctor...poor guy :-(
It's supposed to be going uphill by now.

1 comment:

The Williams Five said...

Oh my goodness! That looks terrible. I am so glad that he has new medicine and will be seen this weekend. That must have been so hard to watch happen to poor Jacob.