Saturday, September 20, 2008

11 Years In The Making

Matt and I have been married for 11 years today! I was telling him that it's kind of a big one. It's not a 5-year, 10-year type of thing, it's more that we are officially done having children and are moving forward! A lot has happened over the last 11 a nutshell: we bought our first house in Kent, got two cats, Matt started gardening, we helped start up the Newlyweds class at church, ventured on to the Young Families class, moved to Maple Valley, got more cats ;-), more elaborate gardening, we had our first child, I joined the worship team, Matt started a lifelong career at McKinstry, we had our second child, lost some cats :-( and got one more, I resigned from McKinstry, we've both taken various schooling and Matt has since finished both GRCC and the UW program (YAY!), Matt began ushering, we had our third and final child, and here we are!

We feel like we're at a more (dare I say) "settled" stage of life now, we're moving forward and are excited to see what God has in store for us next. I thank God for our marriage and all that's happened because of it. We are such a great match for each other, we balance each other out in some areas, we are replicas of each other in other areas. We're growing in our relationship, our spiritual lives, our parenting, and are so thankful to God for what's He's done in our lives.

So now I head back upstairs to continue celebrating our 11th anniversary by fixing our bathroom... :-)


The Finnestad Family said...

LOVE that picture Denise! Though I think I missed the part about you having your photography business (which will probably resurface in the next few years) and you buying your mini-van. There is certainly something defining about buying your first mini-van. :) Happy Anniversary!

The Earnhardt Family said...

WOO HOO! 11 years and counting. Congrats on all those life accomplishments you guys. I agree. You were meant for each other. It's so much fun to reach that next stage. Enjoy every memory and looking forward to every moment in the future with you guys.

Wagner's said...

Happy Anniversary! Wild how 11 years can be summarized in a paragraph or two, huh, and yet how it doesn't even begin to tell the story- wishing you about 50 more of these anniversaries!!!!

The Williams Five said...

Hard to believe it's been that long! You had just been married 2 years when we met you. It is crazy to think of what all has happened in that time. Hope you had a great anniversary and you'll have to look forward to celebrating your forty eleventeenth! Hee hee.