Sunday, September 28, 2008


That about sums it up, Jacob shouting "I NEED TO CALM DOWN!!!" at Grandma & Grandpa's house tonight :-) We were trying to get him to eat his pizza but he was just FAR too excited to do so! Jacob & Juliana have been! go to Grandma & Grandpa's house for I don't know how long! So once we finally got there, they were ecstatic!

Yet another update on Jacob: HUGE PROGRESS!!! He had a rough night last night, and this morning he wasn't looking any better, we were discouraged for him. But throughout the latter half of today he has made HUGE headway on his recovery! What a tremendous answer to prayer! All of a sudden his eye is more open, it's much less orange, and I even see a small patch of white on his left eye! (a ton on his right eye, but that one hasn't been the problem) My goodness, we are SO happy for him! We may keep him from school on Monday, but at this rate I'd imagine he'll be going on Tuesday, YAY!

The rest of the family is doing great, tired from the past week and our house is a wreck, BUT so relieved and are happy to be on the road to recovery! (in ALL aspects!) Thanks again for all your prayers. This morning our church had a great sermon about God being in control and not losing perspective...great timing of course :-)

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Look at that! So amazingly wonderful to see!

Juliana being a butterfly...silly girl!

A very happy Baby Jenna!

An even HAPPIER Baby Jenna! (and a crazy Daddy)


The Finnestad Family said...

Yahoo!!! That IS a huge improvement. I love the pictures - the kids look so happy. It's too bad Matt didn't have Jenna hoisted a little higher...her drool could have landed in his open mouth. That would have been fun. ha ha!!! We'll keep praying, but are so happy to see progress.

Jennifer said...

I am so happy that he is getting better...I just know it was hard on you guys to have him uncomfortable. Can't wait to see him tomorrow!! I love Mondays with the Earnhardts at dance class.

Nold Family said...

I'm so glad that Jacob is doing better. The most recent photo looks SOOOOO much better! Having sick or hurt kids is so hard and I'm happy for all of you that he is making great progress on recovery. Yeah Jacob! Miss you at MOPS :-)