Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Juliana's Home!

Juliana’s home from surgery! We were there at 6:30 this morning to check her in, and they quickly got her into a room to get her prepped. She got all dressed, got to watch the Disney Channel, got princess stickers and got to color while we waited for the morning to unfold. She did really well with everybody, although at times her normal “strangers” behavior shined through ;-) At one point, one of the nurses said “oh, she’s so cute, she’s just like my son, keeps giving me the evil eye” :-) Tee Hee! A proud mommy moment for sure!

Anywho, the anesthesiologist gave us the run down, the doctor gave us the run down, they gave her the stuff to drink to get her sleepy, wheeled her away in the wagon, and Mommy went off to the waiting room to text techy-savvy Grandma back. About a half hour later the doctor came in to say everything went great. The #3 toes fixed perfectly, the #4 toes are still a bit curled but he felt them “pop” so it’ll just take a little while for them to stretch out. As he was giving me the run-down, the nurse was already coming in to have us go back to recovery. As they were putting her in the recovery area, she had woken up and started crying for Mommy, so they had me sit down and put her on me. She stopped crying within about 30 seconds and konked out for about an hour. They took out her IV when she was sleeping on me, took all her vitals, got her completely undressed, got her pants on, once they sat her up to put her shirt on she finally woke up :-)

They wheeled us out to the van and we went home (I was happy to finally be able to tell her that YES we’re going home, she asked me about 20 times from the time we drove up to the Multicare center!). So she’s now reclining while watching Strawberry Shortcake. We’re supposed to keep her off her feet as much as possible today, elevate her feet, etc. No stitches, no prescriptions, just Tylenol unless the pains too much for her. No baths and are supposed to keep her dressings on (so no shoes) for a week. Should be interesting seeing if she actually doesn’t take the dressings off :-)

When Jacob woke up this morning, Matt told him that Mommy & Juliana were at the doctors to get Juliana’s toes fixed. He told him that her toes curve inward and that they’re going to make them straight, and Jacob cried and cried “No, I don’t want to go to the doctor!” …needless to say, that makes me a bit apprehensive to get going on his eye surgery! Should be fun…

Anywho, there’s our morning in a nutshell. It all went well and Juliana has been quite the trooper!


The Finnestad Family said...

YEAH!!! You are officially a blogger now :) I'm so happy. Juliana looks so little and so big at the same time. I'm glad the surgery went so well. Can't wait until she has healed up & is ready for her ballet classes!

Jennifer said...

You did it!!! I'm so happy you joined us in the world of blogging! I can't wait to see Juliana's new little twinkle toes...

Jen T. said...

I always knew you'd be a wonderful blogger! Thanks so much for sharing a slice of Earnhardt living with us! Your pictures are always so sharp!! You have three beautiful children and a wonderful family and extended family!! Keep up the good work!