Friday, September 26, 2008

Life As Usual

Well it's been a fun week having Jacob home, Juliana has thoroughly enjoyed having her playmate back in the mornings! On Wednesday we made windsocks, Jacob made a beach scene and Juliana drew circles and put a plethora of stickers on hers (Mommy also made a beach scene, however no pictures will be posted as I don't want to BOAST about how marvelous mine is!). And today we took a trip to Goodwill to parooze the Halloween costume selection. We purchased a few dresses to add to Juliana's dress-up bin, great finds at great prices! She LOVES the feathery sequin hat, as you'll soon see...
As for an update on our patient, Jacob is doing well. The night of his surgery he had a bit of a rough time for a bit. He went the bathroom and was in there a long time. We checked on him and he had been standing there just staring at his eyes :-( We got him out of there, he sat on Matt's lap and cried. We explained to him that it's like the bruises on his legs and it will go away. His eyes have been super watery yesterday and today, I think he has a bit of a cold which is adding to that problem. His left eye is swollen and even the white is quite pink in that eye. I called the eye doctor to make sure I shouldn't be doing anything, they said the prescription eye drops should take care of it, to keep watching it, etc. His post-op appointment will be on Tuesday, October 7th. More to the meantime, pictures from this week!

1 comment:

The Finnestad Family said...

Aliya is looking at the blog with me & saying "Wow! JujuAnna so pitty pincess!" I think that about sums it up :) Love the wind socks you made too. You're such a great mom.