Saturday, October 11, 2008

This N That

Thursday night was an exciting night for the kids, they finally got to pick a couple of the pumpkins in Matt's garden (and they are PERFECT pumpkins if I do say so myself!). The kids got to draw on them, Juliana's was quite interesting... (I didn't get after shots, they're on our front porch right now, I should take new pictures...) Anywho, they were very excited, I love that Matt grows pumpkins every year!

Little Baby Jenna...she fits right in with our other kiddos! All have been Michelin Babies, which if I do say so myself is very cute!!! She's doing so much better at sitting up on her own, and is liking the freedom of sitting up and reaching for toys. She still doesn't like when I leave the room, so it's not helping me get much done...YET! It's coming, I just know it (quiet you, Jen!). In the meantime, at least she's cute! ;-D

Our cat, Jack, and the squirrels we feed in our back yard on a regular basis are SO fun to watch! They play tag, honest!!! Jack could have gotten the squirrels many times over the last year, and never does! He crouches down in the grass, the squirrel hops one, Jack hops one, the squirrel runs up the fence, Jack runs up the fence, they go all around the yard like that, slow and steady, just messin' around! It's so entertaining :-) So yes, I took pictures... (through the window, so they're not the best)

We went to Greg & Stephanie's tonight (a ton of pictures are on their blog) (SUCH a great night!), and in preparation for this evening Matt made his famous crescent rolls! This turned into a lesson time for the kids! They were extremely giddy to get to help brush the butter on, put the little weiners in, roll 'em up, and even learn how to properly lay them on the pan (Matt's such a thorough teacher). It was neat watching them do that together, and LISTENING to them! (Juliana was giggling through it all!)

Oh yeah, and this morning Jacob was ECSTATIC to see the first real morning frost of the season! He ran to the shoe rack, threw on his boots, ran out the back slider and proceeded to stomp all around our back yard as if it was the first SNOW of the year! What a fun way to start the day, Mom & Dad had huge smiles plastered on our faces as we watched our son tromp around the yard in utter delight as if we had gotten 6" of fresh snow!!! Ahh, to be in a child's mind... :-)


The Finnestad Family said...

What fun updates. Although that middle "cleavage" picture of little Jenna makes her Auntie Karen a little jealous. ha ha!!! I love all the new pictures!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Great pics. Jenna's cleavage pic was definitely my favorite!!

The Williams Five said...

I have to agree with Karen and Stephanie, that pic of Jenna is the absolute cutest!! Sounds like you guys have been super busy lately and having way too much fun.

Wagner's said...

Ok, I'm with the girls, the nakey baby shots are so stinking cute, I just want to give her a huge squeeze!!!!! What a fun family adventure with the rolls too- I'll just bet Marie thought that was AWESOME- her recipe goes to another generation of her family!!!!