Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chalkboard Fun!

I finally took the time (which was no time at all!) to paint over our old little yellow Ikea table with chalkboard paint, and it turned out GREAT!!! I had bought a quart of chalkboard paint a few months back to make a little chalkboard for the kids, and they love it, but only one can use it at a time. After seeing how well it worked, and how much I had left, I kept looking around our house to find something else to paint! I've had my eye on that yellow table this whole time, but just never took the time to do it (which is SO silly, because no taping or anything was needed, so it was just a ROLL ROLL ROLL with the roller, and BAM - DONE!). I did it on Saturday and I've been anxiously awaiting the 3-day waiting period to be done so we can use it. Juliana and I played with it this morning for the first time, then made a "Welcome Home" sign to greet Jacob with as he walked through the front door. Needless to say, he was SO excited to see that we could finally play with it! They played with it for well over an hour until I forced them to stop for lunch time. I'm so happy to have such a large drawing space for them to work at, and that they can sit down at it. Juliana of course didn't want to stay on her side and proceeded to erase Jacob's drawings many times...he was less than thrilled with we'll have to work on that. But they're still having so much fun with it! (actually Jacob is drawing on it by himself right now, it's a Christmas tree with presents, and it reads "I Love Christmas Tree") (That's my boy!!!)


Jacob is Superstar Of The Week in his class at school right now. So one of his weekend homework projects was to fill out a poster that talks all about him (favorite color, thing to do, what he wants to be when he grows up, etc.). It was so neat watching him fill it all out, coming up with all his answers, and how he wanted to draw each one. He's still itching to go camping apparently, as many of his answers revolved around camping!

His eyes are still doing great, and we couldn't be more thrilled! It has been odd looking at him without his glasses, but we're finally getting used to it and he's becoming "Jacob" again :-) Every now and then he'll just bust out with "my eyes aren't red anymore!" And I notice from time to time that he'll be reading things from really far away, or tiny print in general, which tells me that he appears to be seeing fine. We are SO thankful!!!

Alrighty, that's enough for now, I hope everyone's having a good week! Awana tonight, both kids have their vests now, and Juliana even has her first patch!!! They're so excited when they come home every Wednesday night, showing all their Awana Dollars and the projects they worked on. And I have been enjoying having those nights with just Jenna, and then a little time with JUST ME!!!

Just a pic of the kids having fun with Daddy.

Daddy helped them make a fort (which they called a tent) for movie time.

A very happy Baby Jenna!



The Finnestad Family said...

Wow - you're not kidding that the table turned out awesome!! It looks like you bought it that way. Great job. The kids are going to have so much fun with that everyday.

Love all the new updates and pictures too. You rock!

The Williams Five said...

That table is awesome!! At one point I had considered painting one of the walls in the boys' room with that kind of paint. You could always paint a patch of a wall and then frame it...

That is so great that Jacob is doing so well. I am so excited for him!