Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Half-Birthday, Jenna!

That's right, Jenna is 6 months old today! And how did we celebrate??? By taking her to the doctor to get shots... :-) (however Jacob said we should make cupcakes...and as you know I'm ALWAYS up for treats, so I may have to give in to Jacob's puppy dog eyes) Anywho, Jenna did well at her appointment, of course screamed during the shots, but promptly took a nap afterwards and has been doing well ever since. When the doctor comes in, of course the babies are undressed at that point, so the first thing she noticed were all her cute little rolls! "Well aren't you just the cutest little thing!!!" as she whisks her up and cuddles our chubby little ball of fluff.

She said we can start upping the amount of formula if she's unhappy with just the 5-6 oz. that we currently give her, and the solids we're giving her is fine. Finger foods don't start until about 9 months of age, when they start crawling and their gag reflexes have advanced. (yes, we've found that we're having to re-train ourselves on a lot of this stuff! It's funny how quickly you forget, even when it's your third) :-)

She weighed 20 lbs 8 oz (99th percentile), height was 26.5" (79th percentile), and head was 17.25" (85th percentile). She's staying right on track, pretty proportionate and cute as can be :-)
Jenna's 6-month growth picture next to her monkey.
Happy Jenna's growin' up!

What a cutie patootie!

Disregard Jacob making rabbit ears,
this picture is merely to show her hair growth ;-)
Just messin' around - looking at Jenna through a blue toy :-)

...and now through a red toy...apparently red DOES equal rage!

Just one quick pic of Jacob and his amazingly straight eyes!


The Finnestad Family said...

OK, first off - super cute pictures! Secondly, I'm somewhat jealous that you don't have to worry about if your children meet that 20 lb rule when they turn one & you want to face them forward in the car. And her Dr. was right...she's just the cutest little thing!

Wagner's said...

O.k., so she is so darn cute I can't hardly stand it...