Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Step at a Time

Have you noticed I'm trying to get up to date on my blogging this week?!? I'm getting there! One step at a time. That's a good segue into my weight loss update! :-) I'm getting there! One step at a time. I'm currently at a total of 29.8 lbs lost, a mere 0.2 away from 30 lbs! It's funny how those measly two tenths of a pound can keep me from saying "I've lost 30 lbs!" Drives me batty, really. Anyways, I'm getting there, and I'm super pumped about it! I've noticed me giving myself slack lately, not working out as many days each week, letting myself indulge in little treats more often, etc. So I'm getting back on the band wagon now! I just know if I had made even ONE smarter decision within the last week, I'd be at a firm 30 lb loss tonight, and I'd be able to say "I've lost 30!" It's the little things...

BUT I am still proud of my loss, I've been working hard overall and have been seeing great progress, both in how my clothes are fitting and on the scale. I'm finally getting to wear my old clothes again. Yet I am definitely not content with that! I have at least 50 lbs to go, I'm not even to my half way point! So I will keep chuggin' along, and am excited to keep seeing and feeling the progress!

The other day I bought yet another box of cat litter, and it was a 31 lb box. I handed it to Matt and said "This is how much I've lost!" He held it for a few seconds, really taking it in, and just looked at me wide-eyed and goes "That is INSANE!" And it is! It is SO crazy for me to hold that super heavy box and realize I am no longer carrying that around!!! And even FAR MORE crazy to think about losing another 1 1/2 boxes worth (or maybe even two!). I feel like I'm going to be FLOATING around whenever I reach that point! Insane...and so wonderful...I can't wait!

My goal is to lose another 14 lbs by my birthday (remember, one step at a time, I'm making mini-goals all along the way). That means losing 14 lbs in 10 weeks. I can totally do that! I just need to stop cutting myself so much slack! Anywho, when I reach that goal (which I will!), I'm going to FINALLY use a massage gift certificate my boss had given me when I quit McKinstry a couple years ago. And am also going to go get my hair chopped off! A little "pamper me" day in celebration of passing my half-way point and hitting my next goal by my birthday. WAHOO!!! I'm already excited :-)

So there's my update, I'm getting there, step by step, and am SO happy about it!


Jennifer said...

I am so proud of you! Keep on stepping.

That answers my question from the other day... 29.8. No rounding for you, you are an exact numbers kinda gal. Not me, I probably would have rounded that number to 35!

noell said...

That's so wonderful Denise! I admire your strength and perseverance. I keep using every excuse in the book not to exercise. Congrats to you! You look great Denise!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Where's the awesome pic to go with this great update??