Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! (a couple days early) The kids and I surprised Matt (Daddy) tonight with a little Valentine's Day dinner and some decorations. I cannot begin to tell you how excited the kids were!!!!! It was so fun watching the excitement on their face as they heard his key going into the front door :-)

Also, we've had quite the varying weather lately, huh?!? Hail, snow, warming sunshine, the whole shabang! Anywho, when it started hailing super hard earlier this week, Juliana RUSHED over to put on her boots so she could go play in it :-) She's so cute...


Jenny said...

What a fun idea, I might have to steal it sometime! Also, congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like you have been working super hard and it must feel so great to see results!

aaron♥michelle said...

Fun!! Are those roses real? Your table looked so beautiful! And that picture of Julianna is precious! What a beautiful girl! :)